How do you know which NJ schools are the best? How do you support the public schools in NJ? Whether you have school-aged children or not, you know that these are vital questions. But did you know that registering for a charity marathon, like Krogh’s Turkey Trot, builds a stronger community and provides direct financial support to NJ schools? It sure does—here’s how!
Registration Fees = Fundraising
The most direct way that your participation in a charitable 5K like Krogh’s Turkey Trot boosts the Sparta schools is through the registration fees, which not only cover the cost to run the race, write this blog, and provide goodie bags for participants, but also directly goes to the Sparta schools in the form of grants to support technology, science, and education. Additional donations go 100{42cd8b3d1ae2c20abe8f156f632539890a1e0d5e4d6a44f14f0a2afa4638a585} to the schools!
Sponsorship = Exposure for Everyone
Big businesses like Krogh’s grocery store choose to sponsor events in Sparta to increase their exposure and draw in more customers. At the same time, these “big players” can greatly increase the exposure for the charity—that means that more people will see and support worthy causes, like the Sparta Education Fund. Even smaller sponsors increase their reach, while helping the Turkey Trot spread its wings a little farther.
Participation = Caring
What if you don’t have the resources to sponsor, or can barely make your registration fees? What if you just watch and cheer on the 2021 Turkey Trot participants from your spot in the spectator’s area? Any amount of participation shows your caring and commitment to the Sparta community, including giving back to the Sparta Public Schools! Don’t forget, your participation may bring in other interested parties who may have more to spare!
Ready to boost your local community while having a great time? Then register for the Krogh’s Turkey Trot in Sparta! All proceeds benefit the Sparta Education Fund, and return to the community in the form of educational resources.